Image from: "Tiny Tims Christmas Album".
TINY TIM - my idol ...
.I was writing about fidelity, about the sole real
art there is, about what one must be true to, come hell or high
water; what must be done to the point of collapse, even if it
be a very minor art, the object of condescending sneers
. -Josef Skvorecky
Tiny Tim is dead!
He died of a heart attack November 30 1996, 64 years old. One year ago
I didn«t even know who he was. Six months ago I joined his fan club. It
all started when I visited my friend Johan in New York in the summer of
1996. He gave me a copy of an CD album called Songs of an Impotent Troubadour.
On the cover there was a photo of a man of indefinable age with long hair,
playing the ukulele in a Mickey Mouse-patterned suite. Somewhat bewildered.
I opened the CD booklet, and read
: An impotent troubadour
A Valentine«s message from Tiny Tim
Why do I call myself by that name? Because it is true. However,
I still yearn and love to sing love songs to young, beautiful
My private parts may not function too well, but my heart for
love and romance is on fire.
May this message give encouragement to those who are impotent
- To keep on singing
Even if your bell stops ringing
Postscript: Since I wrote the above I have found, as the
song says, "There may be life in the old boy yet". Certain fluctuations
have occured since I have been with Miss Sue. However, at this
writing, things remain fairly the same.
A few days later, Johan took me to a club where Tiny Tim performed with
his All Star Band. I really don«t know what I had expected to see
- a male Mrs Miller perhaps, or a Liberace for the ironic generation.
But no - on stage entered an enormously polite and courteous 60 year old
man, who sang old songs from the 20s and 30s, a gentleman of a kind I
had thought disappeared with the plus-fours. Tiny Tim proved to be a genuine,
if somewhat odd, crooner. His whole being was doubly anachronistic: he
looked like an old hippie, but talked like something out of an old movie.
"He thanked for the applause as if he didn´nt expect any", I said
after the show. "That´s not very surprising", Johan told me, "considering
how ridiculed and laughed at he has been all these years." Who ever he
was - Tiny Tim had made a great impression on me.

Tiny Tim performes at "Catch a Rising Star"
in New York 7 juni 1996. Foto: Martin Kristenson.
Is that the phone ringing? Yeah, hallo? What hospital?
What hospital? I«m a comic strip man! You can«t take me away!
Get away from me! I«m a comic strip man! Wait, where«s my Captain
America shield? ...Somewhere up there in space, you too may be
a comic strip man. Never give up! Because in this world, anything
is possible. Nerlino/Scarpelli
("Comic strip man", recorded by Tiny Tim)
Back in Sweden, I played Tiny Tim for everyone I met, but I soon discovered
that no one shared my enthusiasm. "What is this? Turn it off?" were the
most common reactions. I don«t recall having met such massive opposition
against my musical taste since I listened to the German free jazz musicians
Brötzmann & Bennink in my teens - both of whom I can´t stand
On the Impotent album Tim sings and tells stories about all the
women he has fallen in love with since the forties. These are mostly songs
of unrequited love and he tells his stories very openly, like in the song
"I used to love Jessica Hahn, but now I love Stephanie Bohn" where Tim
straightforwardly informs the world that he has transfered his amorous
feelings from one girl to another (I knew who Jessica Hahn was - she was
the one who accused the TV evangelist Jim Bakker of having drugged and
abused her. On the album, Tiny Tim relates the story of how he met her
at a party for Howard Stern. But who was Stephanie Bohn?).
From Tim´s stories I gathered he had moved around in underground
circles, but his way of speaking still gave me the impression of the perfect
gentleman. He spoke with utmost elegance, making frequent use of euphemisms,
and he seemed to have an enviable capacity of seeing even the bleakest
reality in a romantic light - in his presentation, shabby music clubs
turned into "The Palace of Beauty" or "the starving amateur artist«s Copacabana".
On the whole, there was a lot of talk about Love and Romance, Beauty and
Dreams on the album. Tim appeared to live in a fantasy world of beauty
and glamour. Homosexual men with the same approach are called "queens"
- to me, Tiny Tim seemed to be a heterosexual queen. I found the address
to Tiny Tim´s fan club on the cover, and I immediately decided to
join, determined to find out everything about this remarkable artist.
. It´s our responsiblity to find out all we can about
the things we love.
(Tiny Tim in conversation with David Greenberger)
Tiny Tim was born as Herbert Butros Khaury on April 12, 1932. His parents
soon noticed that their son was different from other children. He preferred
to stay in his room, listening to music, reading comics, and dreaming
of romance and glamour. His friends thought he was silly and girlish,
and they often teased him. This worried his parents more than their son.
"Don´tt worry", he comforted his mother when he was eight years
old, "everybody´s good". In school, he spent most of his time serenading
beautiful girls, and the end of it was that he had to leave school. Little
Herbert was not brought down by this, however - he continued collecting
old 78s, film mags and comics, and he showed no signs of wanting to grow
up. His idols were Bing Crosby and Rudy Vallee, the girls of his dreams
were Elizabeth Taylor and Gene Tierney. His parents tried to commit him
to an asylum a couple of times, mostly because he was in the habit of
conversing with The Virgin Mary. In 1947, something happened that would
change Tim«s life. One September afternoon at three o«clock - Tim was
always very particular with exact chronology - he spotted Elizabeth Taylor
outside a hotel in New York. He waved to her, and she blew him a kiss,
"at least I think she did". This encounter with Elizabeth Taylor inspired
him to try to become a star himself. He sent her a poem and received a
kind letter of thanks. One of Tim«s earliest songs is a tribute to the
fifteen year old Elizabeth Taylor, "You´re the Only One". All through
the 50s, Tim tried to make it as a singer. He learned to play the ukulele,
and tried to make a success under many different names - Vern Castle,
Larry Love, and Darry Dover. He painted his face white (a symbol of innocence),
and grew his hair long, something un-heard of at that time. As you might
have guessed, he wasn´t very successful. He entered numerous amateur
contests, without ever winning. He also tried to sell his songs to all
the big music companies: "I must have visited every office in the music
business at least ten times. I´d knock on the door, enter with a
big smile on my face and say, «Helloo, my dear friends. I have a song
here that´s going to make you all millionaires! It«s the biggest
hit of the decade.« They´d usually take one look at me and say,
«Get out, kid.« But that didn´t stop me; after a few months I´d
work my way back to them again." Sometimes around 1964 he began to use
Tiny Tim as his regular stage name. This was at the suggestion of his
manager who had wanted to introduce him as "The British gentleman Timothy
Tims". After having asked God for guidance Tim had a revelation one morning:
he would become a falsetto singer. Suddenly, things started to go Tim´s
way, people laughed at and applauded his new singing style, and - best
of all - he won one amateur contest after the other. His parents still
were skeptical, though. "You´ll never get anywhere singing in that
sissy voice", his father told him, and his mother added: "I´m sorry
to say it, but in all fairness, you´ll never be anything". Tim,
always the optimist, told them that he knew success was just around the
corner. He had been saying that for many years, but remarkably enough
he proved to be right this time. The early 60s, with the hippie movement
on its way, was a time that welcomed everything odd and eccentric. Tim
performed at small clubs in New York, he attracted more and more attention,
and eventually he signed a contract with Reprise, Frank Sinatra´s
label. His first album, God Bless Tiny Tim, sold more than 200 000 copies,
and the single "Tip Toe Through The Tulips" made the charts. Tim got the
opportunity to perform on national television, on The Merv Griffin Show
at first, later on Laugh-In. The height of his career was without doubt
his many appearences on Johnny Carson«s Tonight Show. Watching these shows
today, you realize that Tim stayed very much the same over the years,
he was the same humble gentleman that I saw in New York in 1996, he moved
in the same feminine way, and he had the same inimitable falsetto voice.
Whatever one might think, have you ever heard Tiny Tim sing "Tip Toe Through
The Tulips", you«ll never forget it. Whenever Tim was interviewed on The
Johnny Carson Show, he kept the whole nation in tenterhooks. No one had
ever seen anything like it, he was always sure to say something totally
unexpected, and his world view was completely alien. NBC drowned in letters
from viewers who wanted more of this strange creature. America seemed
to have been struck by Tiny Tim-fever almost overnight. You could buy
fan mags with headlines such as "His secret love", "Wild exclusive pix",
"The Tiny-boppers: Girls who say «Tiny turns me on!«. There were ties,
T-shirts, bags and badges with Tiny Tim«s image. Female fans waited for
him outside stage entrances and hotels, he received fan mail from thousands
of admirers, mostly young girls. The innocent Tiny couldn«t handle his
success at all. He obligingly signed every contract that was put in front
of him without reading them, he accepted every engagement that was offered
to him, even if he didn«t get a nickel out of it. Pretty soon his affairs
were in a bad state. People appeared from everywhere claiming a percentage
of Tim«s income, and when someone sued him for breach of contract he was
so willing to declare himself guilty that his lawyers had to hold him
back. In 1969, Tim announced to the world that he was going to marry 17
year old miss Vicki (Victoria May Budinger). He had spotted her on Tuesday
June 3 at ten minutes past twelve while signing his collection of aphorisms,
Beautiful Thoughts. Tim was completely taken in by her beauty, and at
a party later that evening he couldn«t speak of anything else. Tim«s obsession
soon became a news item, and having read about herself, miss Vicki got
in touch with Tim. Shortly after, she accepted his proposal. Johnny Carson
invited the couple to get married on his show, and in December 17 1969
Tim and Miss Vicki made TV history when 45 million (!) viewers saw their
wedding on live television. Only the moonlanding had more viewers that
year. On this night crime went down all over America, everyone stayed
at home to see Tiny Tim. The couple had a daughter, Tulip, named after
Tim«s hit song. Two years later the marriage was over. Tim«s popularity
in the radical 60s may seem a little strange considering that he was deeply
religious and very conservative. He never grew tired of talking about
God, Family, and Nation. Extramarital sex was an abomination to him. He
didn«t even want to utter words with sexual connotations; he always spelled
them: "s-e-x", "b-e-d", "b-o-d-y". In a time of youth rebellion he performed
songs about the importance of obeying your parents. His views on women
was also very conservative, not to say reactionary. That was one of the
main reasons for his break up with Miss Vicki: "Naturally I ordered her
to give up her career. I believe a woman is just there to please the man
and to have blessed events. A woman should say «Yes, dear« anytime the
man calls." Nevertheless, Tim was very broad-minded: "We are all sinners...
But it wasn«t for me to preach to them.. I just had to be humble and pray
for myself as well as them." The years 1968-69 were Tim«s days of glory.
From then on his career went downhill. He was fired from the record company,
and he wasn«t invited on television anymore. Tiny Tim, who had conquered
the world - at least that is what he must have felt like - had already
become a has-been, a relic from the 60s. People were tired of the joke
- the sad thing was that it never had been a joke for Tim, he had always
been totally sincere and honest. Tim wasn«t one to give up, however. He
went on singing in the way he always had, even though no one would listen.
He started his own record label, called "Toilets Records, "because that«s
where my career went". For the new label, Tim produced another artist,
equally eccentric. His name was Isador Fertel, and he had a jiddisch version
of "Rock around the Clock" on his repertoire. Fertel was obsessed with
winter and he wanted to stay wherever the snow was, at one time he even
gave up his job just to be able to be where it was snowing. Fertel was
the only male member of an organization called Radical Feminists, and
his greatest wish was to have a sex operation. As a feminist, Fertel found
it hard to accept Tim«s views on women, but they managed to remain good
friends. (As Tiny biographer Harry Stein pointed out: this was a time
when both of them desperately needed friends). But Tim wasn«t able to
make a star of Fertel, no more than he could make a go of his own career.
He was back where he started. In the 70s, he recorded lots of singles,
and a few albums. On records like Tip Toe Disco (1977) and Tip Toe To
The Gas Pumps (1979) he tried to remind his audience of his old hit song,
but to no avail. From now on, he had to perform for small audiences again,
but he was nevertheless as enthusiastic as ever. Unlike most other artists,
he never got tired of singing his only hit song. "The huge smile that
it brought to people«s faces was the thing he coveted most", one of his
producers said. "He loved that song!" When the audience stayed away from
his concerts, he had to comfort his managers, as he had once comforted
his parents: "We«re playing to my old friends, the empty chairs." Gradually
he abandoned the falsetto, that had become his trademark, in favour of
his natural baritone. Tiny Tim could actually sing, even if you have to
admit that his singing voice was... well, personal. The increasing interest
in "incredibly strange music" and old popular music gave Tim a new audience
in his last years He made several CDs in the 90s. They may not have sold
well but there was a definite change from the indifference he had met
with in the 70s. A fan club was organized, and pretty soon he even had
his own web sites. He also had a cocktail named after him, called "Impotent
Troubadour". He never made a come back, although he enjoyed a cult following,
his fans were few, but dedicated.
Lenny Bruce talks for money
Tiny Tim sings for love
for a show in New York in 1964
From as early as I can remember I have worshipped beautiful women.
Don«t misunderstand me, I don«t mean anything dirty by that. My
fantasy has always been to be alone with hundreds of lovely angels
in a lush, tropical paradise - like the Garden of Eden, maybe
- and then not even touch them. To touch them would ruin it. The
important thing is just to have them near me.
Tiny Tim lived for love and romance. This should be taken literally:
in an interview he gave a few months before his death, Tim said he had
fallen in love at least once a year since 1942. He could give detailed
accounts of his meetings with all these women, they all had a place in
his heart, and to each and everyone he had composed a love song. For many
years, he had to be satisfied with worshipping women from a distance.
It wasn«t until May 8, 1966, at twenty minutes past one, he even got to
kiss a girl. The historic event took place at the house of his first girl
friend at 152nd Street and Broadway. After his breakthrough he was suddenly
given lots of opportunities to sin. For a man with Tim«s high moral standards
life could be pretty complicated: "Of all the womanizers, believe me,
the worst one is right here... But the Lord says no, fornicators and adulterers
will not get into heaven. If I«m weak I say it was wrong, I pray to the
Lord, and I pick myself up." Tim could have a bad conscience for just
having been with a beautiful girl. When he became famous he hired a life
guard whose duty it was to protect Tim from a life in sin. If it looked
like Tim was going to give in to temptation the guard would interfere.
Of course, Tim did everything he could to escape, and he sometimes succeeded.
There are many stories about Tim«s struggle with the devil. He has told
most of them himself, since he saw it as his Christian duty to make public
confessions. Remorsefully, he told the story of how he at various times
had spread honey over young girls bodies, or how he had taken a table-knife
and put peanut butter all over them ("Then, I must say, I did things with
the lips"). The honey was - like the face powder - a symbol of purity.
What the peanut butter was supposed to symbolize is anybody«s guess. Having
confessed all this, he pointed out: "Sinful as these experiences may have
been, I can at least say that I didn«t have s-e-x per se with either of
these girls. The devil couldn«t drag me down that far." Mostly, he approached
women in other ways. For a long period of time, he collected things that
had been touched by beautiful women - it could be cookies or plastic spoons
- and put labels on them with names and dates. Ever since he was a teenager,
Tim had searched for his ideal woman, The Eternal Princess. He wanted
her to be like something out of The Wizard of Oz, a fairy tale princess
with a natural beauty. Needless to say, he had some difficulties in finding
that perfect creature. In the 60s, he started giving out trophies to the
ones who came closest to his ideal. Eventually, Tim actually found his
Eternal Princess. He met her in 1988, May 19 to be precise (and Tim was
always precise). Her name was Stephane Bohn ("I used to love Jessica Hahn,
but now I love Stephanie Bohn"), a friend of record producer James "Big
Bucks" Burnett. Tim fell in love, but he soon discovered that she didn«t
love him. Tim was devastated. How could God be so cruel? For almost fifty
years he had searched for the ideal woman, and when at last he found her,
she turned him down. However, on the album Girl, Tim and Stephanie sing
a duet, one of the most beautiful moments in the history of popular music.
"She opens the door to everyone but me", Tim once said. "But she is my
eternal love. When I die I want to have on my tombstone: Here Lies Tiny
Tim «God Grant Me in Death the Love You Denied Me in Life: Miss Stephanie«".
I mean, he´s a psychedelic nightmare, and he´s Mom
and apple pie at the same time. Tiny Tim may be the most unexplainable
person on the planet
" Big Bucks" Burnett
Tim never ceased to surprise people around him. He was
noted for his fixation on cleanliness and his interest in make up. He
took 4 - 5 showers a day: "I haven«t missed a shower since December
20, 1989", he proudly declared. He spoke at length about the advantages
of adult diapers to anyone who cared to listen. He used make up in order
to feel closer to beautiful women, and at the height of his career,
he spent a fortune on cosmetics; he bought more than he ever could use.
His managers complained that he spent his money like a thoughtless child.
At one time he ordered the entire menu up to his hotel room and arranged
every piece of meat, all the vegetables and fruit in a decorative pattern.
Satisfied with this work of art he placed himself in the centre of it,
but he didn«t eat anything. He never ate when there were other people
present. Not even his wife was allowed to see him eat, but he enjoyed
pretending to be at a dinner party playing the parts of all the other
guests himself. In the 50s, he tried to enlist in the army, but he was
not accepted. It probably had something to do with his honest response
when they asked him why he wanted to be a soldier: "It«s because I want
to go to the moon! Tim was right-handed, but he always wrote with his
left hand, because he wanted to use both sides of his brain. In this
way, he hoped he would learn to play the piano with both hands, which
in turn would make it easier for him to meet beautiful girls. (This
explains the unbelievable sloppy hand writing on the signed album I«m
the happy owner of). He was convinced that Earth would be invaded by
aliens in the beginning of the 21st century. He believed that there
is "some sort of life" on the moon. He liked to speculate on the consequences
the existence of alien life forms would have on different religions
- do aliens have the same God, the same heaven, the same hell? Have
they also been expelled from Paradise? "If my wife passed away and a
beautiful alien woman came from space then I would definitely marry
her. The only question is if the embarrassment of the Garden of Eden
applies to the universe." You have to admire Tim for his endurance.
"Don«t worry, Mr DeBlasio, they«re only laughing", Tim told his poor
manager who had to see his client heckled, booed and laughed at. "People
have laughed at me my whole life." He never gave up his excentric life
style or his odd artistry. Even when people were indifferent or scornful,
he never tried to adjust, or change his image. "In your heart, if you
know what you«re doing is right and you have a good concept you should
not change your idea for the public. I was walking around New York with
my white make up and long hair in the age of Eisenhower before any of
the 60s happened. It wasn«t just for show. I had to feel I was original."
The man had enormous talent, and no
one ever found out about it.
Roy Silver (former
I love rock´ n´ roll
so put another dime in the juke box, baby
("I loverock´ n´ roll",
recorded byv Tiny Tim)
When the dawn comes
Tonight will be a memory too
And a new day will begin
"Memory", recorded by Tiny
What impressed people most when they met Tiny Tim was his encyclopedic
knowledge of American popular music. He had a great number of old songs
on his repertoire, the oldest ones from the middle of the 19th century.
He used to sit in the New York Public Library, listening to old 78s and
Edison cylinders, reading sheet music and song books as well as biographies
and books on popular music history. On his records, he often included
songs by forgotten song writers, or unknown songs by great composers,
like Irving Berlin. "You know, everyone talks of black man´s soul,
rhythm and blues", Tim once said. "No one talks about the white man´s
soul. The white man´s soul, in music, was songs like «In the Shade
of the Old Apple Tree« and «Give My Regards to Broadway«." But Tim´s
taste in music was not exclusively nostalgic. He loved all popular music.
He recorded an album with country music, and he even made a rock album
with songs like "Highway to Hell", "Hound Dog", "Great Balls of Fire",
and a 23 minutes long version of Barry McGuire«s "Eve of Destruction".
The happy and romantic world of poular songs appealed to Tiny Tim, whether
it was "Star Dust" or "Do You Think I´s Sexy?". Tim´s last
recording was made over the phone, September 13, 1996. Tim sang "My Inspiration
Is You" from 1926, as a wedding present to the British musician and producer
David Tibet and his wife-to-be Andria Anette: "Just like the sun flower/Lives
for the sun shower/My inspiration is you". The song was later released
on record - a fitting exit for the romantic troubadour.
If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not
have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal..
l Korinterbrev l3:1
You gotta have heart All you really need is heart
Oh, it«s fine to be a genius, of course but keep that old horse
before the cart First you gotta have heart.
The inevitable question will of course be: do we laugh at or with Tiny
Tim? Obviously, many people came to Tim´s concerts just to heckle
him. Those who saw him in the Tonight Show probably reacted in the same
way I did when I saw him: is it a put-on, or is he for real? Johnny Carson
gave Tim a chance to speak his mind on every subject under the sun, and
Tim«s strange outlook on life made him an easy target for ridicule. Johnny
Carson was very fond of Tiny Tim, however, and was apparently deeply disturbed
by the critics who thought he was exploiting him.
I put the album Girl from 1996 on my CD, and listen to Tim«s emotional
rendering of the song "I believe in tomorrow"
I believe in tomorrow,
the day that all wars will cease
The day all nations will know,
they can all live in peace (...)
I believe in tomorrow,
the day that all crime will end
The day all drugs disappear
All the world will be friends.
- |
I would be lying if I told you that Tim makes me believe
in the lyrics. But he makes me convinced that he believes in it, and
that«s pretty good too. When Pat Boone did a cover of "Stairway to heaven",
he was asked if he had heard Tiny Tim«s version of the same song. -Yes,
I have, Boone said, and it was sickening. I hope that people don«t lump
him in with me. Jimmy Page, who co-wrote the song with Robert Plant,
was quick to react. "Pat Boone shouldn«t worry about comparisons of
himself to Tiny Tim", he said. "No one will compare the two, because
Tiny Tim was someone of considerable stature and talent, unlike Pat
Boone." What do we want from an artist? Professionalism? You can have
too much of that sometimes. If something is too perfect, it most probably
will not serve what should be the purpose of all true art: to make our
hearts beat a little faster. "Small defects are more pleasing", as Swedish
author Jacob Wallenberg wrote: a perfect form is often quite boring,
"like a flower without a scent, or rather, like a beautiful painting
which pleases the eyes, but fail to move your heart." If an artist has
the ability to arouse feelings, it«s easy to forgive formal short-comings.
The opposite is harder to endure. Sometimes, a really lousy artist can
be more interesting than a professional, no matter how good he is. Then
you have to ask yourself: isn«t the "lousy" artist actually a good one,
and the "good" artist actually a lousy one? I don«t know. All I know
is that Tiny Tim fascinates me, in a way Pat Boone never has.
With his songs, Tiny Tim wanted to communicate feelings
of love, romance, and a good will. He played the role of Prince Myshkin
who - in spite of everything - believes in the goodness of all mankind.
"He is compulsively considerate", Harry Stein wrote in his unauthorized
biography Tiny Tim. Some may laugh at Tim«s naivety but it makes me happy.
Many people think that Evil is more aesthetically useful than Goodness,
but I have never shared the idea that evil is fascinating and alluring
while Goodness is colourless and dull. It may be easier to portray Evil,
and to many it serves as an artistic short-cut, but the assertion that
Goodness necessarily have to be dull and tedious has been effectively
refuted by people like Chaplin, Dostoyevsky, and the Beatles. And say
what you will about Tiny Tim - he sure wasn´t colourless and dull.
And so, as Tiny Tim observed, God bless Us, Every One!
Charles Dickens
(A Christmas Carol)
Tiny Tim died like a true romantic. It was just like an old Hollywood
melodrama. He had just ended a concert with "Tip Toe Through The Tulips"
when he collapsed on his way back to his table. "I don´t think
he had time to feel pain", his wife said afterwards. "The last thing
he heard was the applause, and the last thing he saw was me." He was
buried with his ukulele and six tulips. About 400 people came to say
their last goodbye. He only got a few years in the limelight, but
he never gave up hope of a come-back: "Every one who said "he´ll
never make it again", are the same ones who before ´68
said "he´lll never make it" period."
One must imagine Tiny Tim happy.
Literature: Tiny Tim,
Harry Stein Chicago, Playboy Press
1976 Tim after time James Burnett Detour Magazine,
August 1996,
pp 116-119 Thanks to Johan Kugelberg and Agneta Kristenson
© 1997 Martin Kristenson. All rights reserved. |